What We Offer...

At Splendix, we believe that only those who achieved practical success have the right to advise. We know that professional technology consultants must carry the wealth of hands-on experience in business and industry specifics to provide competent assistance.

We have many years of industry-rich expertise in mobile application development to guide and aid businesses in their mobile initiatives. Our mobile consulting includes device compatibility research, MVP and PoC development, features or usability improvement of current mobility solutions as well as an implementation of new app concepts from scratch.

If you have an idea on how to improve your existing mobile solution or develop a completely new one, start with getting an expert review. Well-versed in multiple industries, our business analysts and experienced mobile developers will deeply analyze your application concept and assess it from the points of:

  • Feasibility
  • Technological complexity
  • Platform and device compatibility
  • Market potential and competitiveness
  • Budget cost

In case you have two or more mobile apps in mind, we can provide additional information on:

  • Code reuse
  • Backend functionality reuse
  • UI/UX compatibility

After comparing your requirements with our feasibility studies and research results, we suggest improvements to an existing app or come up with a new mobile solution to address your needs and business challenges. Splendix’s mobile consulting specialists are ready to provide:

  • Development documentation
  • Database planning
  • Independent code review
  • Product architecture blueprints
  • UI/UX evaluation
  • Strategy tips for further updates

With our rich expertise in mobile UI/UX design, application development and testing, we are also ready to implement your solution.

Our mobile consulting services help you decide on your target OS and settle for a specific mobile development platform. We know what native, hybrid and cross-platform development tools are capable of and will suggest the most suitable and effective development option based on your app’s functional requirements and available budget.


Your mobile app will be as popular with the audience, as convenient and simple its interface will be. Our mobile consulting team understands what makes a user-friendly mobile app and is ready to share hands-on tips on how to improve your existing UI/UX. If you don’t have them yet, Splendix is ready to ensure convenience of your future app by creating elaborate UI/UX blueprints from scratch.


When you like how your app’s elaborate concept sounds in words, we are glad to turn it into a feasible prototype. Our mobile consulting team provides proof-of-concepts to make sure that we see your application the exact same way you do. We adjust every minor detail until you are completely satisfied with the prototype and only then proceed with the app development.


Security is one of our priorities for developing both consumer and enterprise mobile applications. We make sure that sensitive user data is safe, as well as any server-based data that is queried by the application. Whether your company sticks to BYOD, POCE or COPE policy, you can be sure that your sensitive data is completely safe.


Integrating a mobile app with a server or any in-house solution is a crucial yet challenging phase of any mobile project. We are well aware of the issues that may occur during backend, CRM, ERP, and ECM integration processes and know how to handle them. If you want your app up and running as soon as possible, feel free to ask for our professional guidance.


With Splendix, a problem shared is a problem solved. Our mobile consulting services will shape your app concept in the best way possible for you to enjoy a successful mobile product. You can also rely on our design, development, testing and support teams to cater to your needs on any stages of your mobile solution implementation.

We analyse and assess the viability of new product, assess devices compatibility of the product and suggest suitable platforms for implementation.

Splendix’s BA specialists thoroughly analyse the customer’s needs and elaborate detailed requirements for the functionality and look-and-feel. By establishing a fruitful communication of these requirements between stakeholders and the development team, as well as by accurately documenting all the processes, our specialists ensure the customer gets exactly what they need

We at Splendix believe that not only sweets, but also the wrapping paper should have a tempting flavor. We don’t just create mobile software, we also wrap it in a sleek, responsive and user-friendly design created by our talented UI/UX experts. Our design competencies have ensured success in many successful mobile projects throughout our experience in the area, and they still help us please our customers.


In addition to being a mobile app design company, Splendix is a full-fledged software development vendor, our staff has deep and extensive industrial knowledge. With it, we can cater to each project individually while understanding general business needs and user expectations. Requirements and specifications created by our Business Analysts are the basis of mobile app designs we create.


Although we are confident in and proud of the knowledge and talents of our BAs and designers, our customers’ opinion means a lot to us. We welcome your feedback and do our best to grasp your vision of an ideal mobile app design by providing you with concept mock-ups until you are completely satisfied with them.


Next after finalizing an elaborate project analysis and roadmap, Splendix’s design team works their magic to squeeze even the most complex functionality into compact mobile screens. Our priority is to always make apps easy to follow, so our UI/UX specialists sketch layouts and wireframes while planning how an application will react to the user’s every touch and swipe.


Splendix experts create UI/UX design that are both convenient and slick, be it a native or hybrid app. We are well-versed to provide design for native iOS, Android and Windows Phone apps, as well as for hybrid and cross-platform applications on Cordova, Ionic and Xamarin.


At the core of our mobile competencies, UI/UX design goes along with mobile app development. This important part of our services relies on efficient cross-team communication and time-proved methodologies that ease the entire process from developing a prototype to releasing the app.

Make yourself at home on any mobile platform or reach out to multiple platforms at once.

Our app development company offers native mobile development for:

  • iOS
  • Android
  • Windows

To projects that aim to hit multiple platforms, we also suggest cross-platform development on:

  • Cordova/PhoneGap
  • Xamarin
  • React Native

Qt-based development allows our team to deliver desktop software that can run on the majority of operating systems (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux) with high performance and smooth UX. With cross-platform desktop development, we can reduce project delivery time and cut delivery costs compared to separate development for every platform.

To ensure a new application flawlessly integrates with the user’s system, our team complements every desktop application with a sophisticated installer supporting automated checks and reaction to the installation conditions, such as the OS version, user language settings, third-party libraries, other software, or previous versions installed.

About 25% of users delete an app after a single use and never reinstall it, which means that all the efforts, time and money spent on the app development were simply in vain. How to reduce this alarming rate? The answer is in quality mobile app testing that we are ready to provide.

Our test engineers look into functional and non-functional app features, as well as mobile technology specifics (mobile gestures, numerous operation systems and screen resolutions) and various external factors that may hamper the app work (network conditions, interruptions by calls, SMS and more).


  • Mobile Apps - Native mobile apps deliver rich experience to users of a particular mobile platform. Splendix’s specialists test native mobile apps relying on many years of experience in the field.
  • Mobile Web Apps - Run in mobile browsers, web apps cater to a wider user audience regardless of a mobile platform. Our testing engineers test mobile web apps for a vast variety of browsers for smartphones and tablets.


  • Usability testing - Splendix’s mobile testing team will guarantee that your app has a user-friendly UI, encompassing key functions of the app and engaging UX, providing for positive user experience. As a part of UX testing, our mobile testing team also performs usability testing to ensure that the product is handy and easy-to-use for your target audience.
  • Mobile functional testing - However attractive and engaging an app, users will abandon it if the app crashes often or doesn’t’ work as expected. Our mobile testing team will ensure that your app, including backend functionality, works as clockwork and meets the users’ needs to the fullest.
  • Mobile performance testing - Working anytime and anywhere, mobile apps may stumble upon weak signal, interference from other devices, excessive load, etc. Our mobile testing team will uncover stress, load, scalability or reliability bugs. For large applications catering for many users (banking apps, mobile e-stores, multiplayer games, messaging games, etc.), our mobile testing team also runs backend performance testing.
  • Mobile compatibility testing - To reduce the number of unhappy users, mobile apps should work seamlessly on target devices and in the respective operation systems and mobile browsers. Our specialists will make sure your mobile app provides an impeccable UX in all the cases above.
  • Compliance testing - Mobile apps are now a part of basically any field of human activity, and to ensure the safe and secure operations, mobile apps should be compliant with industry standards and regulations. Relying on our experience and professional knowledge in multiple domains, our specialists will test your apps for compliance with official iOS and Android guidelines, as well as specific industry regulations (GAMP, PCI DSS, HIPAA and others).
  • Mobile security testing - Mobile apps are vulnerable to hacking attacks, which leads to losses for users and enterprises. Our team will perform penetration testing to simulate a hacking attack. With ethical hacking, our mobile security testing team will identify security loopholes of your app and provide relevant recommendations on patching them. For large applications, our mobile testing team will also ensure the security of server side (backend security testing).
  • Mobile test automation - We apply keyword-driven and data-driven approach to test automation for functional, regression and performance testing. We also offer automation for backend testing. Our mobile testing team will assure high quality and efficiency of your mobile app, and ensure its timely release.


1) Analyzing project requirements - Our mobile testing team will study your project requirements and identify loopholes (if any).

2) Selecting devices and planning the process - The number of mobile device models is growing exponentially, and it’s simply impossible to test the app on all of them. To ensure vast and reasonable device coverage, we choose the target devices relying on your requirements and the statistics for target region and target user audience. Then our mobile testing team closely cooperates with the rest of the project team, plans testing activities with regard to your project milestones and defines conditions permitting to start, postpone, resume or stop the testing process.

3) Designing test cases - The mobile testing team drafts test cases and test suites.

4) Testing - Our mobile testing team performs testing and reports the bugs to the PM and developers.

5) Analyzing test results - The mobile testing team covers testing results providing ad hoc information and test reports throughout the given cycle.

In each project iteration, you will be in control of the testing process and have a panoramic view of our activities. We are able to follow any reporting approach you choose.

Backend integration or publication on:

  • App Store
  • Google Play
  • Microsoft Store

Splendix’s team offers a full range of maintenance services to let the customer seamlessly introduce the mobile application and its updates into the work of end users, as well as adjust the application to the emerging business challenges by introducing new features. With 24/7 support, we strive for high-quality resolution of any issue within a reasonable time. Splendix’s standard packages cover maintenance services for 1, 5, and 10 years, with an option to be prolonged when the service period expires.

What You Gain...

With every mobile application development project, every customer can get a complete set of deliverables, including:

  • Mobile application tailored to specific business needs
  • Mobile application testing
  • Publication
  • Warranty
  • Maintenance